Here is my set of Blade Runner wallpapers. I took the screenshots myself from a blue-ray version of the movie, annoyingly the movie wasn’t 1920×1080 it was 1920×800 or something so I had to add and edit the image above and below to make the set of wall papers in 1080 without loosing image quality. I added my own effect and tweaked all the images to my liking.
Blade runner is one of my favorite movies of all time, I made these wallpapers for myself but decided to do a few extra and give them away for free. Enjoy the Free Blade Runner wallpapers. 🙂
I also made some Blade Runner 2049 Wallpapers
Click on the images below to get the full 1920×1080 wallpapers.
If you notice anything weird or an error in any images let me know, and please share it if you like it.
Great shots, I love this movie. Good stuff.